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Catching up is hard to do

It's been a busy couple of weeks. Lots of work for both Mike and me. And lots of activities for Shelby. Getting time to just sit down and blog has been next to impossible. And then pictures stack up and it becomes a little overwhelming. So, here's quick recap of what we've been up to.

Pickin' pumpkins at Buckelew Farm

With Halloween quickly approaching, we took Shelby to Buckelew Farm in search of the perfect pumpkin. Buckelew Farm is a pretty cool place. Just imagine driving through the desert and seeing nothing but cacti, dirt and tumble weeds for miles and then out of no where pops up a pumpkin patch and corn field ... this is Buckelew Farm. You take a wagon ride out to the pumpkin patch and you can wander through the patch and pick pumpkins off the vine. And then there's lots of yummy food, face painting, a corn maze, a petting zoo and countless fun activities for the entire family.