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Week 7: 52 Week Project

Okay. So here I am ... at Target. I don't normally wear my sunglasses inside, but I had a migraine and the light was bothering me. We (me and my kids) go to Target. A lot. Sometimes we just walk up and down all the aisles checking things out. We play with toys we don't intend on buying. And then we usually get a snack at the cafe and head home. It's a thrice weekly ritual. Mike always asks me "Why are you going to Target .. .again? Don't you get bored?"

Nope. We find something new to look at and play with each time we go. And sometimes I shake it up by going to a different Target (we do have about 15 different Target stores in town!).

For this photo, I placed my camera on one of the shelves in the toy aisle. I'm sure the people shopping around us thought I was nuts!

One of the things I love about this project is it is forcing me out of my comfort zone and it's challenging me to be more creative. I really don't want to end the year with 52 of the same pictures, right? So I have to come up with different ways to capture my "essence" and who I am. It's an awesome way to tell my story.

This is my week 7 photo for the 52 Week Project