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Two Unlikely Friends

Maybe he thinks it’s alive. Maybe he loves it because Shelby and Cooper love it. For whatever reason, my children’s obsession for Zhu-Zhu pets, toy hamsters that move on their own with just a little click, has transferred to Cassius, our 6-year-old Boxer.
First it was Shelby … she just had to have every Zhu-Zhu pet on the market. Then Cooper became enamored by them. He likes the noises they make and loves that they move on their own. Now, Cassius has been bitten by the Zhu-Zhu pet craze.
Last week he started carrying around Nugget, an orange Zhu-Zhu with white spots. He takes Nugget everywhere: outside with him, to bed with him, up the stairs, down the stairs … everywhere. As Cassius carries Nugget in his mouth he tends to bump the button on the toy’s nose that activates the sound. So all around the house you can hear the squeaking of a toy hamster.  
We’ve started calling Nugget “Baby.” He’s Cassius’ baby. And if we ask Cash where his baby is, he’ll go and get Nugget. In just a week’s time Nugget has gone from clean and fluffy to matted and dirty. Hanging out in a dog’s mouth can do that to you. Seeing Cash all snuggled up with his baby at the end of the day is pretty stinkin’ cute.

This photo is my week 13 photo for 52 Photos, 52 Weeks. The prompt was “two.”