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My girl

It's no secret my kids have me wrapped around their fingers. I love, love them. Both them bring me so much joy. Shelby is at the best age right now. She's chatty. She's happy. She's inquisitive. She's just awesome to be around (minus the occasional temper tantrums fit for a toddler).

In this photo, shelby is really starting to look like her mama.

Since I have been working and traveling so much lately, I have been making a huge effort to spend more quality time with the kids when I am home. That means less computer time, less checking my mail on my phone, less work when it's not work time ... and more play time. We've been the the zoo, to the park (with a splash pad and sprinklers), we've crafted, we've made ice cream ...

We always get a silly shot ...

Shelby has really taken to journaling. Nearly every day she writes in her journal and does it all on her own. Sometimes she just recounts her day, but there are other entries that are quite insightful (musings on why it's better to behave and the benefits of listening to mom). We've also been trying to incorporate learning activities in our fun time. When we went to the zoo this week we bought a couple of postcards and then when we got home, Shelby wrote letters to her Great-Grandma June and her Papa. Even though it was a "learning" exercise she jumped right up and wanted to write. I'm so proud of her enthusiasm.

Cooper and Shelby at the park (she's always looking
out for her baby brother)

There are lots of changes going on in Shelby's life right now and she's handling them with such grace. She finished first grade. She's starting a new school in August. She's start new after school programs at the same time (gymnastics, piano and guitar). She's in a new summer camp (the weeks I'm traveling). It's quite amazing to see how well she adjusts .. .and is a lesson on how I should handle change (I'm not so good at it!).