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{Happiness Blog Hop} If I was ...

was paying attention, then I would have remember I was supposed to be participating in a blog hop today.

But I wasn't.

If I was paying attention, then I would have remembered to leave my daughter a special note before I left town on a business trip. She loves it when I leave notes.

But I wasn't.

If I was paying attention, then I would have realized my kids don't have winter coats that fit and the weather is suddenly quite cold (even here in AZ).

But I wasn't.

However, there are days when I pay attention. And when I do, I capture, document and save the most wonderful moments.


The journaling reads:

Tonight Shelby said to me: "If I don't live in Paris, then I'm going to live on Broadway. And I'm going to dance to earn money. If dancing doesn't work out, I'm gonna be a mime"

I'm a journalist by training. I spend most of my days in a newsroom. I get paid to pay attention. As soon as I stop paying attention, then I'm no longer valuable to my trade.

On a much broader level this is also the case. If I stop paying attention, if I don't record the details, then as a memory keeper and storyteller, I'm not doing my job. But, I really want to do my job. I want to tell my stories. I want to remember all the little things that make up my life. I actually made a promise to myself that just for November, I would try harder to slow down and pay attention. I figure if I commit to pay attention for just a month, maybe a habit will take hold and I'll be more attentive all the time. How about you? Wanna slow down with me?

If you're interested ... hop on over to the other blogs participating in today's Happiness Blog Hop. A special thank you to Stephanie over at Scrapworthy Lives for coordinating the hop:

Fun Mama
Kiss & Tell Scrapbooking
Melissa’s Blog
Nihao, Cupcake!
Our Life with Spiky Potatoes
Pie for Breakfast
Scraps & Sass
Scrapworthy Lives
Scrap Your Life
Slice of Life
Take a Picture and Remember This
This Kalil Life (You are here)
1200 Some Miles
Scrapping Mojo
Your Memory Connection