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Still scrappin'

Yes, I'm still scrapping. In fact, I scrap a lot. I just haven't been posting my pages as much lately. A lot of my scrapping these days is for Creative Team assignments. These particular pages were created for The Daily Digi and the November Digi Files, which you can still get here.

I'll start off with a page from my favorite scrapbook muse -- sweet Shelby. She totally into Legos right now and it's something she does with Daddy (he loves Legos too).

KIMBERLY_Yin_template 278
Yin Templates from The Digi Files, Nov. 2011 ( www.thedailydigi.com)
Additional credits: Robyn Meierotto's Cupcake Kit, Design House 
Digital; Hero Font; Impact Font

And of course, I also must share another layout, this one courtesy of my other muse -- Cooper:

Created for November 2011 Digi Files, Studio Charlize kit
Additional credits: Courier New Font; Impact Font;
Paislee Press-Press Plate No. 33 (modified)

Journaling reads:

You, my little man, are quite a stinker. On more than one occasion you’ve poured water on your sleeping sister. You hit your sister in the head with the iPad. You like to kick, a lot … especially when you are getting your diaper changed. You will sit on the potty, do nothing and then walk into the kitchen and pee on the floor.  You’ve tossed the step stool down the stairs in an attempt to find a way to reclaim the iPad that had been taken away from you. You scream when you are mad. Really, really scream. You’ve started throwing some major tantrums. But at the same time, you’re so sweet. You pat my cheek, ask if I’m okay and give me kisses all the time. I adore you my little stinker.  (October, 2011)