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A Whole Lot of Happy

I can always count on Shelby for a happy face. She's a bright spot in my life. To say I adore her would be an understatement. Sure, there are days she drives me nuts and totally tests my patience, but more often than not she's bringing joy into our home.  She's a mini-me in every way, and I think that's why we love each so much, yet rub each other in the wrong way. There's no middle ground with us and it makes for a lot of drama, good stories and memorable struggles. 

This year Shelby started taking karate and if I'm home on Monday, then I take her to karate. On our way to karate, we stop at Starbucks and get a treat. For her it's usually passion fruit iced-tea and a pastry; and I just get the tea. We sit and talk. She tells me about her day, school, her friends. I get to ask her all sorts of questions, which she freely answers. These mommy-daughter dates are a highlight of my week. 

My boss has made a lot of changes to my schedule in an attempt to give me more quality time at home, even though I'm still traveling a lot. This often means I don't travel until Tuesday, instead of Monday and I'm often home by Friday night, sometimes Thursday ... so I rarely miss my dates with Shelby. It might not seem like a big deal, but my quality of life has shot up now that I can count on this special time with my girl. It's good for me. It's good for her.

Shelby is a whole lot of happy and I am blessed to have her scatter her sunshine on my soul.
PICTURE THE HOLIDAYS with Tracy Clark and Paper Coterie: 31 days of seasonal photo prompts to inspire your creativity. Find out more here.