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This week I am

meandcoop… still recovering from my surgery and slowly catching up on work. I have a business trip scheduled for next week, so I have to get a few things ready for that. I pushed myself way to hard the first few days after the surgery and as a result I’ve been paying for it. I’ve really been pooped out, no energy and have been struggling with my body being seriously out of whack (trust me, you don’t want to know all the details. I’m hoping that taking it relatively easy this week will make the difference and I’ll be back to my old self again.


This week I’m loving this layout. It’s my current favorite. I used a kit from this month’s Digi Game and one of my favorite photos from our family photo shoot back in November. Aren’t the colors just the happiest you’ve ever seen? Love it. You can find the credits here.


This week I’m also loving this layout. It perfectly captures Shelby’s silliness. It too was created for the April Digi Game. You can find out more about the Digi Game at The Daily Digi. The journaling reads:

When a camera comes out, so does the cheese. This kid is a total ham. An actress. A born performer. If there is music, she dances. If there is a group of people, she entertains with jokes. She has the most amazing imagination and she is quite fearless.  The other day, a flier came in the mail for a beauty pageant. I started to throw it away, but Shelby saw it before I could. After I explained to her what it was all about, she said, “So, I’d have to perform in a show? And there is a prize? Well, I’m in.”


I’d like to point out that there are typos in my layout above. I have typos all the time. I used to worry about it, but now I don’t. Done is better than nothing. I do go back and try to clean things up before I have them printed, but even then, I miss things. I’m constantly having to remind myself that the world will not end if I miss spell something and it’s printed or published. It’s not that big of a deal. At least the photos and the stories have been preserved, right?


gatoradeThis week Shelby is busy making cards to send to her Papa, Mama Shelley and Nana. The Easter Bunny left her a special gift – a crafting kit -- over at Nana’s house, so she’s been busy putting it to good use.

We had a wonderful visit from my parents and Shelby is going through her normal Papa withdrawals right now. She’s crying a bit and quite sad. It takes about a week before she gets back to normal.

She’s also busy cracking up doing goofy things like putting her Gatorade in a big fancy cup or making silly videos on my phone (yesterday she made six of them on the drive to karate).

Speaking of karate: Shelby is making steady progress with karate. She had a rough time for the last 6 weeks or so when they changed instructors. The current instructor is much tougher than the previous one and Shelby really wanted to quit. But she powered through it and it’s actually getting better. She’s showing great improvement and the more she practices the more her teachers eases up and praise her – two things she was REALLY hoping for.


This week, Cooper has started to really love books. I picked up a Elmo book from the Dollar Bin at Target and Cooper carries it around the house with him, asks to read it all the time and has even started sleeping with it. So today, I went and bought the three other Elmo board books they had in the Dollar Bin. I want to jump on this love of reading and hopefully make reading a habit for him, much like it is for Shelby and always was for me and Mike.

51 h983WeWL._SL175_This week, I started a new book, “13 Rue Therese.” Much like Shelby, I have a thing for Paris. I also bought this book and hope to start that one next week when I’m in Wisconsin.

This week, I got my stitches out and my pathology reports came back: no cancer and no pre-cancer. Good news all around!

This week, Mike is up to his eyeballs in tax returns. No picture to share … if I did have one, it would be all that exciting. Number crunching doesn’t produce super exciting photos!

What are you doing this week? Anything exciting?