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Merry Christmas

From our house to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas.

ChristmasCard2012Photo credit. Card can be found here.

This was a tough year for me. A tough year for all of us in fact. But we’ve made it through it all and came out the other end stronger, wiser and happier. Christmas is my most favorite time of the year. I don’t often talk about religion or spirituality. Those who know me well know how I was raised and my core set of beliefs. Though I don’t go to church anymore, my beliefs haven’t changed. Last week as Cooper was playing with our Little People Nativity set, I told him the story of Baby Jesus. As he parroted my words, my heart swelled. It was the same feeling I get when I sing a hymn or hear a line of scripture that I love. It’s my Savior touching my heart and reminding me he’s always with me. 

I’m not perfect. I don’t worship formally. I’m certainly not a role model of a perfect  Christian. But I am grateful for the role the Savior has played on my life. I’m grateful for the power of prayer and the peace it brings me. And I’m grateful for this time of year, as it reminds me of who I am, what I believe and what’s most important in this life.

May you all have a blessed and happy day.