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{Parenting} 9 Easy Meals for Kids: Freeze It and Forget It

I have a new parenting article up over at Care.com with some great ideas and recipes for freezer cooking. 9 Easy Meals For Kids |  Care.com | Kimberly Kalil Creative

Easy meals for kids can be hard to come by at the end of a hectic day. It's no fun to get home late from T-ball practice with no idea what to feed your family. You might not have the right ingredients on hand for a perfect meal or time for a grocery trip, but feeding your family healthy, yummy meals doesn't have to be a struggle. Making meals in bulk and freezing them for later is an ideal solution for many busy moms.

For uber-mom Rachel Tiemeyer, freezer meals are a lifesaver. "Where do I start? I can go on and on about how much freezer cooking helps me," says Tiemeyer, whose Thriving Home blog features numerous freezer recipes and other household hacks. "It saves money. It saves time. And it ensures you have healthy meals on hand even when you're strapped for time."  ....