{Simple Scrapper} Hello Bifocals?

I got bifocals last month. Turning 40 has been hard on my body in about a zillion different ways. Having to get bifocals just seemed to add to the feeling of "Holy crap, I'm getting old." Of course, I made a scrapbook page about this ... that's what I do. I used a template from the June 2015 Simple Scrapper collection and a kit from Just Jaimee (my favorite digital designer). I'd like to say make this layout made me feel better about getting bifocals ... but it didn't. I'm still processing the whole idea!

Hello Bifocals | Simple Scrapper | Kimberly Kalil DesignsJournaling reads:

Went to ATL for work and forgot my glasses. I can’t work without them,so I had to get a new pair. I haven’t gotten new glasses in eight years, so it was time. After my exam, they told me I needed “progressive” lens, which is pretty common at 40. It wasn’t until later I realized “progressive” is a nice way of saying bifocals. Suddenly, I feel SO old.


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