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{Simple Scraper} Forever and Always

Hello! Happy Wednesday. I have a new layout to share. I'm pretty sure this is the first time in months I've managed to pull together two complete layouts. Three cheers for me! I used one of August Story Starters from Simple Scrapper to get my journaling juices flowing and I'm pretty sure without this story prompt I never would have documented these photos and how grateful I am to have some of the most amazing, life-long friendships. Sometimes all you need is a little push. Yeah for a kick in the pants. Forever and Always | Simple Scrapper | Kimberly Kalil Designs

Journaling reads:

If you told me when I was 10 or 13 I’d have the same friends when I was in my 40s, I’d say you were nuts. But here I am and here they are. I have no trouble making acquaintances, but making friend like these just isn’t so easy. They know every detail of my life. They’ve walked every path with me. They have a piece of my heart.


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