{Health} We Ran Our First Race

  We did it. We did it. Yes, we did it. (Picture me doing a happy dance and jumping for joy). Mike and I ran out first race on Sunday: the Thin Mint Sprint 5k. 

All of our hard work paid off. We ran the whole race and thanks to the adrenaline ran faster than we normally do. Mike finished 2nd in his age group (there were 7 men in his group) and I was 14th out of 48 women in my age group. Overall we were 70th and 61st out of about 300 runners. Not bad for out first time out. 

We were pretty conservative, starting out slow, because we didn't know what to expect. We've focused on distance in our training, so the 5k seemed short compared to our regular runs. 

We've already started training for our 10k. We're signed up for a 10k on Halloween. I'm a little nervous, since we're doubling our distance ... But Mike says it's gonna be no big deal. I'm hoping he's right.