Template Tuesday

And just like that it was Tuesday. It feels like my life and time are moving at warp speed. I can’t believe it’s already May; Shelby will be out of school next week; and Cooper is already three. Holy moly I say. Can’t things just slow down? Anyway … since it is Tuesday, then it’s time for a template.

Here’s this week’s template:

Template_17_krdkDownload your copy of this fully layer, Photoshop template here.

I created this template after creating the layout below. This particular layout was created as part of LOAD (Layout a Day) and it was based on a sketch Lain had given us. This was my take/twist on the sketch.


Journaling reads:

As Shelby gets older, I often comment to Mike I’m sad my baby is all grown. His response? “I like her better now.” He’s much more of an older-kid kind of dad and as Shelby grows, they get closer and the hang out as buddies would.