Thinking about marriage ...

Shelby loves to talk about getting married. She likes to tell me that when she grows up she's going to marry me. Sometimes, she tells me she's going to marry Daddy.

Last night, she was cuddling with Daddy and playing with his wedding ring. She said, "Daddy, I'm going to marry you." When Mike told her her was already married, she said, "Then I'm going to marry Mama."

He laughed and said, "You can't marry Mama, I'm married to Mama."

Shelby thought for a minute, a big smiled spread across her face and she blurted out, "then I'm going to marry Dominic." Dominic is a boy who attends her preschool and Shelby has been enamoured with since we moved to Tucson. She talks about him all the time!

When I told her she couldn't get married until she was 30, she laughed a belly laugh and almost to taunt me said, "I said, I'm gonna marry Dominic."

There you go ... Shelby is planning her future nuptials at the age of three. I think I'm in trouble!